Thank you for sharing, Thor! I stumbled across your post while I was looking into the Zettelkasten method and integrating it with Obsidian. I like how concise you've been able to explain the system (the many Youtube videos I've seen can be somewhat confusing at times) and I have a couple of questions, if that's alright with you.

First, I understand the concept of fleeting notes as any ideas that may come up whenever and that we would write that down in 1-5 sentences. As I consume a lot of media from the internet, and find interesting bits there, would it be located at the Literature notes section once I 'parse' that initial main idea and put that into my Fleeting note section?

Second, this is just out of curiosity mostly haha but, how do you approach organizing your daily notes or any other notebooks that have a lot of notes within them? If you were to make a note each day and that eventually builds up, would it not be cluttered over on the side bar?

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Hey Nikki. Thanks for reading and the kind words!

Before I get into the questions – note that this should feel fluid and not too perscriptive. Zettlezasten is just a way to add structure to your thinking so it can be reused and expanded upon.

Fleeting / Literature Notes:

Literature notes don't generally go into fleeting, unless you have a fleeting thought that entered your mind while taking literature notes. The literature notes should distill your basic understanding on the topic(article, book, video, social post). When you are ready to take your collective thinking on a subject and turn it into something more, you use your literature notes to feed your permanent notes. Your fleeting notes might also feed your permanent notes, as some thoughts might come from you, rather than sources.


I try to keep it as fluid as possible. I only have ~8 top level folders, which only 3 are actual notes. The others are supporting functions – templates, files, folders for a plug-in or two. Currently, my daily notes are simply organized by date YYYY-MM-DD. I generally don't search back through the raw daily notes. I mainly stumble across them through page links.

If you ever want to go into more detail, you can DM me on Discord: https://discordapp.com/users/567977783372939279/

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